Hundreds of people turned up Saturday, Oct. 6 for march in Taipei
Taiwan News
Date: 2018/10/07
By: Ryan Drillsma, Taiwan News, Staff Reporter
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Over the past two years, hundreds of people in Taiwan have mobilized to promote animal welfare, and to protest the consumption of animals along with the use of animal-based products.
The concept of animal rights has gained ground within the consciousness of Western society over the past 10 years. In 2011, American non-profit organization “Our Planet. Their’s Too.” established the National Animal Rights Day, which is now observed in multiple countries all over the world.
The idea is still fairly new to Taiwan, however it appears to be gaining traction, with more and more people coming out each year in active protest against the maltreatment and slaughter of farm animals.
Yesterday, the 2018 Animal Rights March took place around Ximen Ding; a culmination of the efforts of several local NGOs including Taiwan’s premier animal rights organization, Vegan30. Attendees were a mixture of both locals and foreigners, dressed up in animal regalia and sporting vegan flags. [FULL STORY]