The Star
April 7th, 2018
By: Keryn Nelsong
Two years have passed since Hubert Emmanuel was positioned Ambassador of Saint
Lucia to the Republic of China, Taiwan—the first to hold this position. As a former scholarship recipient who underwent schooling in Taiwan while only Kittitian Ambassador, Jasmine Elise Huggins, operated as not only an envoy for students from her country, but also for Saint Lucians and Vincentians, I can vouch for the importance of the position. Being miles from home, anything can happen. I have witnessed Ambassadors step in to diffuse disputes with travel agents with thousands of dollars at stake and threats of arrests made against students; where students’ rights were being trampled in schools and dormitories, and other such scenarios. So, the announcement of a Saint Lucian Embassy and ambassador in 2015 was a relief, if only for the fact that over one hundred Saint Lucians now reside in the Asian country.