As Taiwan’s allies dwindle, St Lucia stands firm against China pressure

Caribbean island’s ambassador to Taipei says diplomatic ties are unlikely to change in the near future

South China Morning Post
Date: 28 Oct, 2019
By: Sarah Zheng  

When Taiwan celebrated its National Day earlier this month, St Lucia was one of the island’s dwindling number of diplomatic allies taking part in the festivities.

As Taiwan’s 15 formal partners face pressure – both internally and externally – to switch their diplomatic recognition to Beijing, the small Caribbean ally St Lucia has continued to resist, with its Prime Minister Allen Chastanet travelling to Taiwan for the October 10 celebrations for the founding of the Republic of China, the official name for the self-ruled island.

“A celebration for Taiwan is a celebration for St Lucia,” Chastanet said during his visit, which followed Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen’s own trip to the Caribbean in July.

Edwin Laurent, the St Lucia ambassador to Taiwan, said on Monday from his Taipei office that ties between the two were unlikely to change in the near future, despite recent diplomatic switches by the Solomon Islands and Kiribati to recognise Beijing.    [FULL  STORY]

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