Avoiding cub keeps it with mother bear

BEAR REBOUND: As forest ecology improves, Formosan black bears might appear more frequently at lower elevations near human dwellings, the Forestry Bureau said

Taipei Times
Date: Aug 04, 2019
By: Lin Chia-nan  /  Staff reporter

People should avoid scaring away mother bears by staying away from their cubs, the Council of

A Formosan black bear and her cub forage in Hualien County’s Nanan area in an undated photograph.
Photo provided by Hualien Forest District Office

Agriculture’s Forestry Bureau said on Thursday, after several Formosan black bear cubs were recently separated from their mothers.

In 1989, Formosan black bears were listed as an endangered species. Experts have estimated that there are 300 to 600 Formosan black bears in Taiwan today.

Commercial hunting once threatened their survival, the bureau said.

In July last year, a bear cub was rescued at Nanan Waterfall (南安瀑布) in Hualien County’s Jhuosi Township (卓溪), but was released back into the wild in April.    [FULL  STORY]

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