BBC China: 11 out of 100 major company websites designate Taiwan as a country

The survey found only 8 out of 100 designate Taiwan as part of ‘China’ or ‘Chinese’

Taiwan News 
Date: 2018/05/31
By: Duncan DeAeth, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Amid China’s current campaign pressuring companies to

Image by Pixabay user geralt (modified)

change their designation of Taiwan, BBC China conducted a survey of 100 major international company websites to compile a list of companies in compliance with China’s dictates.

The survey of company websites was conducted over May 28 -29, and of the 100 companies, reportedly randomly selected, it was found that 11 out of 100 display “Taiwan” as an available choice under the category of country or nation on website menus.

The vast majority of websites surveyed have Taiwan listed alongside other countries under politically safe categories like “Location,” “Region” or “Country or Region.”

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