Beijing raps Taiwan’s Tsai over call to ‘constrain’ China

Channel News Asia
Date: 27 Jun 2018

BEIJING: China lashed out on Wednesday (Jun 27) at Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-

Taiwan’s President Tsai: under fire from China. (Photo: AFP/Sam Yeh)

wen after she urged the international community in an AFP interview to “constrain” China before it does irreparable damage to global democracy.

Her comments are “misleading and totally baseless”, the spokesman for Beijing’s Taiwan Affairs Office told a regular press conference.

Tsai’s “objective is to create enmity between compatriots across the straits”, said Ma Xiaoguang, referring to Chinese separated by the Taiwan Strait.

She is “plotting to contain the great rejuvenation of the Chinese race”, he said, adding that she “overestimates her own influence”.    [FULL  STORY]

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