Want China Times
Date: 2015-06-30
By: CNA and Staff Reporter
The Taiwan Blood Services Foundation urged the public Monday to hold off on donating

People line up to donate blood in Taipei on June 29, two days after hundreds of young people were injured in the tragedy. (Photo/Chen Hsin-han)
blood for the moment as an outpouring of goodwill toward hundreds of victims of a tragic fire at a water park resulted in a surplus of donated blood.
Foundation official Li Lei asked people to delay donating blood by one to two weeks because there was excess inventory as of noon Monday, worried that any more donated blood might be wasted because packed red blood cells have a shelf life of only one month.
In northern Taiwan, where most of the more than 500 people injured in the disaster at a party at the Formosa Fun Coast water park in New Taipei on June 27 have been treated, there was 45 days of inventory that was further expanded by a surge in volunteer donors, Li said.
Hundreds received burn wounds when colored cornstarch powder suddenly ignited during the Color Play Asia event at the water park in New Taipei on Saturday night, trapping people standing in front of a concert stage. [FULL STORY]