Badly burned corpse found near Taiwan's Provincial Highway No. 13 Sunday morning
Taiwan News
Date: 2019/07/28
By: Duncan DeAeth, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

Investigators at the scene, July 28 (By Central News Agency)
The corpse, which had suffered from severe burns making the person unrecognizable, was discovered Sunday morning around 8:00 a.m. by workers heading to the construction site. Workers immediately called police who rushed to the scene to begin an investigation.
Preliminary findings indicate that the woman likely chose to commit suicide by means of self-immolation. A report from CNA states that an abandoned vehicle and a suspected suicide note were found approximately 100 meters from the body.
However, no documents indicating the woman’s identity were found on the scene nor in the car. Police are attempting to reach out to the public to find the woman’s family and help with identification. [FULL STORY]