Barely a day after rocketing to fame for a ‘Taiwan’ tattoo plastered on his forehead, British man is arrested for DUI
Taiwan News
Date: 2017/10/23
By: Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The British-born man, who rocketed to fame yesterday for
having enormous Chinese characters meaning “Taiwan” tattooed on his forehead and a Taiwan independence flag scrawled on his chin, was arrested early this morning in Kaohsiung for drunk driving, reported Liberty Times.
At 12:42 this morning (Oct. 23), a police officer on patrol noticed the man driving his scooter erratically and when he pulled him over, he noticed the man reeked of alcohol. Spotting the Chinese characters meaning “Taiwan” tattooed on his forehead, the officer realized he was the same foreign bar owner from the news reports the previous day.
Admitting that he had been drinking, he was asked to submit to a breathalyzer test, which revealed that he had an astronomical blood alcohol content of 0.82 mg/l.