Can Taiwan be an American Gateway to Southeast Asia? The US Hopes So

Even as the US turns away from globalization, the Small Business Administration is trying to ramp up trade with Taiwan and Southeast Asia

The News Lens

Date: 2017/11/21
By: Morley J Weston

The United States’ Small Business Administration (SBA) is looking to secure more trade with Taiwan, or so said one official at a joint media interview at the American Insititute in Taiwan (AIT) last week.

Eugene Cornelius, Jr, the Deputy Associate Administrator for the Office of International Trade with the U.S. SBA, arrived in Taiwan to sell the idea of cooperation between American small businesses and those in Taiwan.

Cornelius said that he believed Taiwan could be a hub for international trade, as it had the skilled workforce, infrastructure and technology that was still absent in many parts of Southeast Asia.

Although U.S. withdrew from the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) earlier this year, Cornelius seemed keen to use Taiwan to keep pushing better trade relations with Southeast Asia.    [FULL  STORY]

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