Caucuses reach deal on 15 military pension proposals

NEGOTIATIONS: Those amendments where consensus was reached yesterday are being forwarded to a second reading, but others face more debate and a plenary vote

Taipei Times
Date: Jun 20, 2018
By: Sean Lin  /  Staff reporter

Lawmakers yesterday finalized negotiations on planned pension reforms for retired

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lawmakers stand in the main chamber of the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday with placards protesting against proposed reforms to the military pension program.  Photo: Chang Chia-ming, Taipei Times

military officers and non-commissioned officers, and resolved to send 15 amendments on which no consensus was reached to a vote today.

The disputed amendments center on whether the 18 percent preferential interest rate for some savings accounts of retirees should be phased out, the starting income replacement rate, the eligibility for family members of deceased officers and non-coms to receive benefits and the conditions for splitting pensions in the case of a divorce.

The caucuses agreed to advance those amendments on which consensus had been reached to a second reading at a plenary session.    [FULL  STORY]

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