Celebrity dad leads 50 elderly dancers to demonstrate 5-step exercise

The China Post
Date: September 29, 2017

“Jen Pa” Jen Min-ting, father of pop star Selina Jen and a celebrity in his own right, led 50 dancers in their fifties in a demonstration of a flash mob dance at a World Heart Day awareness event held by Nestle’s Klim Senior formula.

The event, held in an elderly-friendly Carrefour hypermarket, featured a flash mob dance was choreographed by Chang Ping-wei, who participated a Guiness World Record-winning effort for most people (over 2,500) performing with rattle-drum simutineously. Chang instilled movements that can help strengthen cardiopulmonary function in the dance and developed the “Klim Senior 5-step Healthy Exercise”.

Statistics showed that 36 percent of Taiwanese popular are over 50 years in age, making Taiwan the country with the fastest graying population in the world. The the “Klim Senior 5-step Healthy Exercise” is designed for the growing number of elderly people in an increasingly health-aware society.    [SOURCE]

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