Simple lifestyle changes such as eating right, being physically active, drinking less and avoiding tobacco can prevent six out of every 10 cancer cases
Taiwan News
Date: 2017/09/18
By: Jose Kalathil, Taiwan News, Contributing Writer
NEW DELHI (Taiwan News) — Simple lifestyle changes such as eating right, being
physically active, drinking less and avoiding tobacco can prevent six out of every 10 cancer cases.
Speaking at an event organized by the Indian Cancer Society (ICS), Dr A K Dewan, director of Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute, said, “Earlier, we didn’t know the cause of many cancers. So, it was referred as ‘bad luck’ or ‘fate.’ That’s not correct.”
Heavy drinking, for example, has a role to play in cancer of liver while smoking is a known cause for lung and oral cancer cases, he said. “Only 5% of all cancer cases are hereditary and another 15-20% are familial or environment-related,” he added.