China must be ready for ‘crisis’ with US over Taiwan – Beijing press

Global Times says China must be prepared for conflict amid rising tension between Beijing and Washington over self-ruled island

The Guardian
Date: Fri 8 Jun 2018
By: Guardian staff and agencies

China should be prepared for crisis in the Taiwan Strait, the hawkish Global Times

Taiwan soldiers take part in drills on Thursday that simulate an attack by China. Photograph: Sam Yeh/AFP/Getty Images

newspaper has said in an editorial, amid rising tension between Beijing and Washington over the self-ruled island that China sees as a wayward province.

The United States has ramped up pressure on China in the disputed South China Sea, with reports of US bombers flying over the region this week. Reuters reported Washington was considering sending a warship through the Taiwan Strait.

The US is also re-opening its de-facto embassy in Taipei next week after a $250m upgrade.

China and the United States – currently in heated talks over trade – have frequently sparred over questions of militarisation of the South China Sea, where China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines all have competing claims.

“China and the US are likely to face a new Taiwan Straits crisis sooner or later. China needs to make early preparation,” the state-run Chinese tabloid said. The newspaper does not reflect official policy.    [FULL  STORY]

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