Taiwan News
Date: 2016-04-21
By: Taiwan News, Staff Writer
When a crime happens, you catch the suspect. When a crime happens in one country and involves perpetrators and victims from another country, international treaties come looking around the corner.
Suspects can be extradited according to a fixed procedure and be prosecuted and tried by a court in their own country or in another country.
However, all of that gets thrown overboard when Taiwan and China are at play.
Courts in distant Kenya, a country which does not maintain official democratic relations, apparently ruled that several Taiwanese suspects in fraud rings scamming by phone or Internet could be released. Under normal procedures, they might have been deported to their country of origin, in that case Taiwan.
However, with the excuse that the alleged victims were Chinese, China persuaded the Kenyan authorities to disregard their own judiciary’s rulings and send up to 45 Taiwanese straight to Beijing. [FULL STORY]