Civilians warned to stay off Itu Aba

FISHERMEN’S EXPLOITS:A group sailing toward the contested island reportedly planned to use emergency scenarios to justify landing on Taiwan-controlled Itu Aba

Taipei Times
Date: Jul 25, 2016
By: Lo Tien-bin / Staff reporter, with CNA

The Executive Yuan yesterday said that civilians are not allowed to set foot on Itu Aba Island 20160127_itu-aba(Taiping Island, 太平島) without permission from the Ministry of National Defense, even as a group of Taiwanese fishermen plan to sail close to the contested island in the South China Sea today.

“Given that Taiping Island is categorized as a restricted military area, fishermen are not permitted to enter the zone without the defense ministry’s authorization,” Executive Yuan spokesman Tung Chen-yuan (童振源) said.

However, if the fishermen are in need of emergency shelter or need to replenish their supplies on the island, the coast guard officers stationed there would provide assistance, Tung said.

Tung added that as the fishermen are not familiar with the area they are heading to, the Coast Guard Administration would order patrol vessels to stop the boats at a safe distance to ensure their safety at sea.     [FULL  STORY]

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