Colonel allegedly hits MRT guard

REASSIGNED WITH MAJOR DEMERIT: A member of the military said that Colonel Yan Chung-kang has always liked to drink, but usually not enough to show up on the news

Taipei Times
Date: Oct 24, 2019
By:: Lo Tien-pin, Ch000000eng Ching-yi and William Hetherington  /  Staff reporters, with staff writer

A Ministry of National Defense colonel arriving at Taipei International Airport (Songshan airport) on Monday night allegedly threw a glass bottle and fought with a Taipei Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) security guard at the airport station.

Colonel Yen Chung-kang (嚴仲康) of the ministry’s Department of Strategic Planning was believed to be intoxicated when he allegedly had a dispute with the station security guard at about 10pm on Monday, in which he smashed a glass bottle on the ground and hit the guard, police said, adding that the guard is not pressing charges.

Police said that according to a witness’ report, Yen was acting erratically in the station, agitating other passengers and prompting one passenger to alert the guard.

Police were called to the scene when the guard was unable to de-escalate the situation, police said, adding that Yen remained confrontational after police arrived, and only calmed down after a friend arrived and spoke with him.    [FULL  STORY]

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