Taiwan News
Date: 2015-10-20
By: Matthew Strong, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – The organizer of last June’s color powder party
which led to the deaths of 12 people and injured 500 apologized to the public Tuesday.
The apology came after Lu Chung-chi became the only person last week to be indicted over the June 27 disaster at the Formosa Fun Coast water park in Bali District, New Taipei City. The fact that eight others, including owners and managers of the park, escaped without charges caused widespread consternation. Families of the victims want prosecutors to reconsider.
Lu came out for a news conference with his attorney Tuesday where he offered a statement containing four apologies. He said he had to apologize first to the party goers and their families, and second to the rescue workers, doctors and nurses who treated the victims. [FULL STORY]