Counseling center for sex abuse survivors planned

HELPING, HEALING:Minors face a greater risk of sexual assault in Taiwan, and family members need tools to help them cope, the Garden of Hope Foundation said

Taipei Times
Date: Jun 18, 2015
By: Chen Ping-hung  /  Staff reporter

The Garden of Hope Foundation yesterday launched a fund-raiser to boost awareness of sexual abuse

Garden of Hope Foundation representatives yesterday hold a news conference in New Taipei City’s Xindian District to announce the “Flying Dandelion Project.”  Photo: Chen Ping-hung, Taipei Times

Garden of Hope Foundation representatives yesterday hold a news conference in New Taipei City’s Xindian District to announce the “Flying Dandelion Project.” Photo: Chen Ping-hung, Taipei Times

and provide better care for survivors and their families.

The Flying Dandelion Project aims to raise NT$15 million (US$479,831) to build a counseling office for people who have experienced sexual abuse and their relatives, the foundation said.

The foundation decided to extend its service to family members of victims because they are often at a loss as to how to help, creating situations that can be emotionally and physically draining, director Wang Shu-fen (王淑芬) said.

She said group therapy should be provided alongside individual counseling.

Through the support of group therapy sessions, people who have experienced sexual abuse are more likely to overcome their trauma, Wang said.     [FULL  STORY]

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