Kaohsiung District Court rules only 160 victims of Chuang Guang tainted-oil incident are eligible for compensation
Taiwan News
Date: 017/02/14
By: Judy Lin, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
Taipei (Taiwan News)—The compensation the Kaohsiung District Court ruled Chuang

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People standing in front of a wall of edible oil cans in 2015.
Guang Co. (強冠公司) should hand out to 160 victims from an edible oil scandal three years ago was a far cry from the amount demanded by the Consumer Protection Association (CPA) in its class-action lawsuit.
The Kaohsiung District Court ruled only 160 out of the 230 tainted-oil victims were eligible to receive NT$6,000-9,000 (US$194.63-291.99) in compensation each, amounting to a total award sum of NT$1.33 million.
Kaohsiung court’s ruling falls short of the NT$180,000 the CPA sought per victim in its original class-action suit filed against the company in 2015, which would have required Chuang Guang to shell out a total of NT$3.7 billion in compensation. [FULL STORY]