The two ships are Taiwan’s first electric-powered vessels with a hull capacity of over 500 tons
Taiwan News
Date: 2018/04/23
By: Duncan DeAeth, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – On April 23, Taiwan’s state-supported CPC Corporation unveiled
two new oil tankers that will be joining their fleet, each weighing 1,999 tons, with a carrying capacity of up to 2,700 tons.
However unlike all of the company’s other vessels the “CPC No. 21” and “CPC No. 22” will be fueled by an electric propulsion system, the first of its kind for any of Taiwan’s ocean tankers, and marking the first electric powered ships in Taiwan with a hull capacity of over 500 tons.
The two ships were unveiled at a ceremony Monday in Kaohsiung Harbor ahead of their maiden voyage. The captains and crew of the two vessels also received the ships’ ensigns at the ceremony. [FULL STORY]