Crashed F-16 black box found: searchers (update)

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2018/06/05
By: Yu Kai-hsiang and Joseph Yeh

Taipei, June 5 (CNA) Searchers have found the flight data recorder of the F-16 fighter jet that crashed on Monday, a finding believed to be crucial to determining the cause of the tragedy that led to the death of the plane’s young pilot.

Commonly called the black box, the flight data recorder of the single-seat military aircraft was found Tuesday afternoon in a valley about 120 meters below the crash site on Wufen Mountain (五分山) in New Taipei’s Rueifang District, a New Taipei Fire Department spokesman said at a press briefing.

The searchers then brought the flight data recorder, which is actually an orange color, to military representatives on the scene.    [FULL  STORY]

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