DC advises against taking babies to polio-hit Philippines

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2019/11/01
By: Flor Wang and Chang Ming-hsuan

Taipei, Nov. 1 (CNA) Taiwan's Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warned parents about taking babies

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to the Philippines Friday, following the reemergence of polio, a highly infectious viral disease.

In a statement, the CDC said there have been three polio cases in the Philippines since the first in 19 years was reported on Sept. 19.

The three patients, who had not been vaccinated against the disease, were infected by vaccine-derived poliovirus, and have all suffered acute paralysis in their limbs, the CDC said.

CDC Deputy Director-General Philip Lo (羅一鈞) advised parents to ensure their children receive all three required polio vaccinations so they are 99 percent protected.    [FULL  STORY]

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