Want China Times
Date: 2015-06-05
A woman in Taiwan’s eastern county of Hualien has kept her stillborn fetus in her

The refrigerator where the fetus was stored, June 4. (Photo courtesy of Hualien County Police Bureau)
refrigerator freezer for more than two months, police found Thursday.
A woman, identified only by her surname Liu, told police she put her over four-month-old dead fetus in the freezer at her home in Hualien some two months ago because she had no money and no idea how to deal with it.
The case was brought to light as the police were probing a lawsuit over an extra-marital affair. Police discovered that Liu, married with three daughters, became impregnated by a man at her work but miscarried when she was four months pregnant.
Liu took her stillborn fetus back home after it was determined by doctors at Mennonite Christian Hospital to be deceased. [FULL STORY]