Deep-blue group exhibits data to ‘exonerate’ KMT

Taipei Times
Date: Feb 25, 2018
By: Shih Hsiao-kuang and Jake Chung  /  Staff reporter, with staff writer

The lies perpetuated by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) about the 228 Incident must be exposed and the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) innocence restored, deep-blue KMT supporters said yesterday.

The supporters set up an exhibition of historical data that it said would exonerate the KMT, while the Blue Sky Action Alliance is planning another event today to counter the DPP’s commemoration events.

The Incident refers to the killing of a cigarette vendor on Feb. 27, 1947, which led to an uprising that was violently suppressed by the KMT government. The resulting crackdown led to nearly four decades of martial law.

The Incident is a minor law-enforcement matter blown out of proportion by DPP propaganda, alliance convener Wu Chih-chang (武之璋) said, adding that the KMT’s silence has only encouraged such lies.    [FULL  STORY]

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