Focus Taiwan
Date: 2015/04/06
By: Chen Shu-fang and Lilian Wu
Taipei, April 6 (CNA) When Taiwanese return home to pay respects to their ancestors on Tomb
Sweeping Day, most rely on the train, ferry or plane to make the trip.
But for Huang Ting-fang (黃廷芳), director of Feng Yuan Hospital’s Department of Dentistry in Taichung, none of those modes of transportation were suitable because he was looking for something a little more challenging.
He opted instead to run home by taking part in the Trans Taiwan Ultra-Marathon (緃貫台灣國際級馬拉松賽), an eight-day, 560-km journey run starting from Fukuichiao Lighthouse (富貴角燈塔) in Keelung in northern Taiwan to Eluanbi Lighthouse (鵝鑾鼻燈塔) at Taiwan’s southernmost tip in Huang’s native Pingtung County. [FULL STORY]