Diabetic patients advised against eating two zongzis for a meal

Taiwan News 
Date: 2018/06/14
By: George Liao, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News)—Making and eating zongzis is a popular tradition during

(By Central News Agency)

the Dragon Boat Festival season in Taiwan, but diabetic patients are advised to refrain from eating too many of them a day, with two for a meal being considered too many.

A 62-year-old diabetic patient surnamed Tseng ate two zongzis for a meal, and his blood sugar reading soared to 300mg/dl, a media report said.

Cheng Xiu-ying (鄭秀英), a dietitian at the Feng Yuan Hospital, said that there are 400-600 calories in a zongzi sold at markets.    [FULL  STORY]

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