An enraged Iranian man went on the warpath for a second day today in Taipei, beating a bus driver and policeman
Taiwan News
Date: 2017/10/13
By: Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Less than 24 hours after brawling with half a dozen police
officers in front of the Presidential Office on Thursday, an Iranian man, identified as Vahid, at 6 a.m. Friday (Oct. 13) brutally assaulted a bus driver and a police officer, reported Apple Daily.
After being released from police custody for running erratically on Xinyi Road and fighting with half a dozen police officers in front of the Presidential Office yesterday, Vahid reportedly went drinking with a friend until 6 a.m. this morning. When Vahid, who appears to be suffering some form of mental illness, was crossing the intersection of Yonghe and Linsen Road in New Taipei’s Yonghe District, he suddenly ran to the center of the road and blocked the path of a shuttle bus.
When the 63-year-old bus driver surnamed Lin (林) stepped out to ask Vahid to move out of the way, he savagely punch Lin in the face over 10 times. Lin’s eyes were swollen shut and suffered multiple lacerations to his nose, and needed to be rushed to the hospital to have his wounds treated. [FULL STORY]