Dreaming of Taiwan’s return: Chinese President Xi and the story of Hong Kong’s ‘great success’

Hong Kong Free Press
Date: 27 January 2019
By: Suzanne Pepper

Hong Kong is learning what it means to live with mainland definitions of free speech and

Patrick Nip. File photo: inmediahk.net.

all its derivatives.

Introducing the proposed new national anthem law, Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Patrick Nip told critical questioners they could still exercise their right to say whatever they want. It’s just that they will have to find some other format because renditions of the national anthem will soon be off limits.

The maximum sentence possible under the new law will be a three-year prison term and a HK$50,000 fine for intentionally insulting, distorting, or otherwise disrespecting the national anthem.

This is to be played at all the usual times and places, with one addition. It must also be played while officials, legislators, and judges are taking their oaths-of-office.

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