Drinking cold beverages may cause infertility: TCM doctor 

TCM doctor based in central Taiwan says consuming cold drinks may cause infertility in both men and women

Taiwan News 
Date: 2018/04/25
By: Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A doctor of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) based in

Ice milk and lemon teas. (Wikimedia Commons)

Taichung claims to have helped her patients with infertility problems by having them stop drinking cold beverages, according to a Liberty Times report.

In the report, Wang Ya-hsiu (王雅秀) said that cold drinks from a TCM perspective not only negatively affect fertility in women, because they “cool” the uterus, but can also have a detrimental affect on men. She said that a 35-year-old firefighter, who had a lot of pressure from his job and drank at least two cups of iced coffee a day, had come to her because he and his wife had failed to conceive after a year of marriage.

Wang diagnosed the man has having spleen and stomach deficiency for a long period of time, as well as poor Qi and blood circulation, which resulted in poor sperm quality. She said that his 30-year-old wife also had cold extremities and a “cold body constitution,” meaning that she is deficient in yang energy.

One of the core tenets of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the importance of balancing yin and yang within the body, which in the case of the yang-deficient couple means avoiding cold beverages and foods, which are (yin) in nature, while trying to consume beverages and foods that are more yang (warm) in nature to build it up in the bodies.    [FULL  STORY]

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