ICRT Radio News
Date: 2018-04-18
The water situation in Tainan is dire.
According to the Water Resources Administration, the Zeng-wen Reservoir is
now at less than 10 percent of its total capacity.
The Nan-hua reservoir is not faring well either, with capacity there
currently standing at 36 percent.
Water supplies for agriculture in that area have already been cut, and
measures have been put in place to better manage and reduce water usage.
The goal is to avoid stage-three water rationing before the end of May.
In Tainan City, the administration is urging residents to cut their water
usage as much as possible, publishing a slew of recommendations for everyday
conservation habits.
The city adds that 19 drought-resistant wells have been prepared, and if the
city does enter stage-two rationing, industries that need access to that
water can apply with the city government to take from those sources. [SOURCE]