Eastern Taiwan hit by three earthquakes

Last and largest quake registered at 5

Taiwan News
Date: 2019/08/11
By: Teng Pei-ju, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

Eastern Taiwan is hit by three earthquakes on August 11 (Image from CWB)
Eastern Taiwan is hit by three earthquakes on August 11 (Image from CWB)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Three earthquakes struck eastern Taiwan on early Sunday morning (August 11), with the biggest one reaching a magnitude of 5, according to the Central Weather Bureau (CWB).

The epicenters of all three earthquakes were recorded in Hualien County. Two quakes occurred at 5:39 a.m. on Sunday in Shoufeng Township and Fenglin Township, respectively, and both measured a magnitude of 4 on the Richter scale with a seismic intensity of 3.8.

The latest earthquake, a magnitude 5, took place in Fengbin Township at 6: 12 a.m. The intensity of the quake registered at 3.9.    [FULL  STORY]

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