Economy flashes ‘green light’ for 3rd straight month

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2018/05/28
By: Pan Tzi-yu and Ko Lin

Taipei, May 28 (CNA) Taiwan’s economy flashed a “green light” for the third consecutive month in April, pointing to steady growth buoyed by strong industrial production, according to the National Development Council (NDC) on Monday.

The composite index of monitoring indicators for April rose three points from a month earlier to 26, flashing a healthy green light, the NDC said.

The NDC said the three-point increase resulted from gains in the industrial production index, manufacturers’ shipments, and sales in the trade and food services sectors, according to the NDC.

The NDC uses a five-color system to gauge the country’s economic performance, with blue indicating economic recession, yellow-blue representing economic sluggishness, green denoting stable growth, yellow-red referring to a warming economy, and red pointing to economic overheating.    [FULL  STORY]

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