Taipei Times
Date: Apr 03, 2015
By: Huang Wen-huang, Shih Hsiao-kuang and Jake Chung / Staff reporters, with staff writer
The Tainan District Prosecutors’ Office concluded its investigation into allegations of

Tainan Council Speaker Lee Chuan-chiao poses for a picture at the Tainan City Council on Jan 27. Photo: Tsai Wen-chu, Taipei Times
vote-buying in the Tainan City Council speakership election and charged eight suspects with violating the Civil Servants Election and Recall Act (公職人員選舉罷免法), the Tainan City Court said yesterday.
The indicted are Tainan City Council Speaker Lee Chuan-chiao (李全教) of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), Chuo Hua-min (卓華民) of the KMT, Tsai Chi-hsin (蔡啟新) of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), former councilor Yang Ming-ta (楊明達), independent Wu Chun-cheng (吳春成), Lin Tsung-pin (林聰彬), independent Kuo Hsiu-chu (郭秀珠), and Luo Chin-sheng (羅進生).
City councilors embroiled in the case, including independent Tainan City Councilor Kumu Hacyo, Councilor Tseng Wang Ya-yun (曾王雅雲) of the DPP, Councilor Lin Chih-chan (林志展) of the KMT, Hou Cheng-tsai (侯澄財) of the DPP, Tsai Su Chiu-chin (蔡蘇秋金) of the DPP , Lai Hui-yuan (賴惠員) of the DPP and Tang Bi-a (唐碧娥) of the DPP are to be investigated further, the office said. [FULL STORY]