MONOPOLY:Power generators must sell to Taipower for distribution under the draft amendment, unless a ‘renewable’ energy company builds its own distribution network
Taipei Times
Date: Oct 15, 2016
By: Lauly Li / Staff reporter
Academics yesterday criticized the Executive Yuan’s policy stance on a draft amendment to the
Electricity Act (電業法) as a “great” setback for the government’s policy to liberalize the nation’s electricity industry.
“The government’s stance represents a policy U-turn, because Taipower [Taiwan Power Co (台電)] would still monopolize the industry,” said Kimmie Wang (王京明), research fellow at the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research’s (中華經濟研究院) Center for Energy and Environmental Research.
The proposed amendment would make no difference to liberalizing the industry, because non-renewable energy firms are still not allowed to enter the market to compete with Taipower, he said.
Wang’s criticism came after the Executive Yuan on Thursday outlined the draft amendment. [FULL STORY]