Essential information on Taiwan’s Employment Gold Card and freelance artist visa.
The News Lens
Date: 2018/09/11
By: Taiwan EZ PERMIT Centre
This article was provided courtesy of Crossroads, a multilingual nerve center of activity among the foreign, local, business, and governmental communities of Taiwan. You can read the original here.
The Employment Gold Card
What is an Employment Gold Card? How is it different from the Employment PASS Card?
1. The Employment Gold Card is based on Article 8 of the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals. It is an open-end work permit issued to employment-seeking individuals whose qualifications are reviewed and designated by the central competent authorities as a Foreign Special Professional.
The term “foreign special professional” refers to a foreign professional who engages in professional work in Taiwan and holds special expertise in Science & Technology, Economy, Education, Culture, Arts, Sports, or other fields* as announced by the central competent authority. The “professional work” mentioned above refers to work set forth in Subparagraphs 1 to 6 of Paragraph 1, Article 46 of the Employment Services Act, or that requiring specialized knowledge or skills approved by the central competent authority in consultation with the Ministry of Education for teachers of non-academic classes in a short-term tutorial school registered in accordance with the Supplementary Education Act. [FULL STORY]