Taipei Times
Date: May 27, 2015
By: Stacy Hsu / Staff reporter
A herbal tea ingredient used by a Kaohsiung-based shop was found to contain

Bottles of herbal tea sit in a cooler in an undated photograph provided by the Kaohsiung City Government’s Department of Health. Photo courtesy of the Kaohsiung City Department of Health
pesticide residues at a level nearly 120 times the maximum permissible amount, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said yesterday.
Six products were added to the list of contaminated beverages in the latest round of random tests on hand-shaken drinks, bringing the total number of deficient products to 65 since the agency launched inspections earlier this month in the wake of a widespread pesticide scare.
Four products were sold in Kaohsiung, including a wedelia flower product used by a herbal tea store in the special municipality’s Cianjhen District (前鎮) that were found to contain 6 parts per million (ppm) of hexaconazole, 120 times the legal level of 0.05ppm. [FULL STORY]