Foreign graduates of vocational schools eligible for work program

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2015/06/11
By: Hsieh chia-chen and Lillian Lin

Taipei, June 11 (CNA) Taiwan is planning to further open up its special employment program

Steven Shyh-kwei Chen (陳士魁), left. CNA file photo

Steven Shyh-kwei Chen (陳士魁), left. CNA file photo

for foreign students by including graduates of vocational schools and two-year colleges.

Since last July when Taiwan introduced the points system for foreign graduates of local schools, 852 applications have been received and 693 had been approved as of the end of May, Steven Shyh-kwei Chen (陳士魁), head of the country’s Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC), reported at a Cabinet meeting Thursday.

Under the program, applicants are awarded points in eight sectors, including Chinese-language ability, educational level and special skills.     [FULL  STORY]

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