Foreign students can stay longer after graduation: Taiwan Ministry of Interior

A new amendment is a solution for Taiwan to cope with talent imbalance

Taiwan News
Date: 2018/11/06
By: Alicia Nguyen, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – In order to attract and retain outstanding international students who seek employment in Taiwan, the Ministry of Interior (MOI) on Nov.1 passed a law amendment that allows foreign graduates to extend their stay on the island from 6 months to a year.

Under the previous Regulations Governing Visiting, Residency, and Permanent Residency of Aliens, foreigners coming to Taiwan for investment or employment as well as international students can apply for residency extension on the island for only up to six months after the end of their contract and graduation.

However, the MOI stated that international students who graduate from Taiwanese universities have gain a certain level of understanding of Taiwanese culture, an adaption to the culture, and better language abilities. Thus, they should be given priority and a longer time to seek employment in Taiwan.

The bill was altered to allow international students to extend their stay for 6 months right after graduation. In case they are in the middle of a job search or need more time to complete their work permit application, another six-month extension will be permitted.

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