Former AIT director: Taiwanese do not believe China on reunification

Former AIT Director Stephen Young says Beijing's reassurance that 'everything will be fine after reunification' not to be taken seriously

Taiwan News
Date: 2019/12/10
By: Sophia Yang, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — In the wake of Hong Kong's political unrest, many Taiwanese have come to

Wallace C. Gregson (left), Stephen M. Young spoke at forum in Taipei on Dec. 8, 2019. (CNA photo)

realize that "believing China is dangerous," former AIT Director Stephen M. Young recently said in Taipei.

Young attended a forum held jointly by TaiwanThinkTank and the Washington-based Global Taiwan Institute on Sunday (Dec. 8) to speak on Taiwan-U.S. relations under the U.S.'s free and open Indo-Pacific policy, according to a CNA report.

When asked by the media about his views on the turmoil in Hong Kong, which has hit a six-month milestone, Young said it is sending a message to many Taiwanese, who have come to realize that believing China is dangerous. This has pushed Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) to take a stronger stance against Beijing, he added.

"Taiwanese people are wise enough to recognize the fact that China's words of 'everything will be fine after reunification' can't be taken seriously," said the former leader of the de facto American embassy in Taiwan.    [FULL  STORY]

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