President Tsai should reach a national consensus on political reforms during her 2nd term: Lee
Taiwan News
Date: 2019/10/19
By: Matthew Strong, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – At his first public appearance in a long time, former President Lee Teng-hui

Former President Lee Teng-hui (seated, center).
Former President Lee Teng-hui (seated, center). (By Central News Agency)
The 96-year old former leader, who served as president from 1988 to 2000, appeared in a wheelchair at a fund-raising dinner for his Lee Teng-hui Foundation.
In a speech read by his daughter, Lee slammed those in Taiwan who spoke well of China and persistently criticized the island nation’s democratically elected administration.
While Taiwan at present was situated in “a very dark place,” there were signs of hope, with a turning point possible to steer the island toward the status of a normal country, Lee said.