Freeways jammed as travelers return from Tomb Sweeping Holiday

Heavy traffic on various freeways on the third day of the holiday

Taiwan News 
Date: 2018/04/06
By: Jane Lau, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — According to the Freeway Bureau under the Ministry of

Traffic jams on Taiwan’s freeways. (By Central News Agency)

Transportation and Communications , there are still a lot of vehicles traveling up-north on the freeways as of 6 p.m. Friday.

Some of the jam-packed freeways include National Freeway no.5 Yilan-Toucheng, National Freeway no.1 Hsinchu-Hukou, National Freeway no.3 Guanxi-Daxi.

MOTC states vehicles driving up north from Western Taiwan are congesting numerous freeways. National Freeway no.1 Xiluo-Puyan, Daya-Houli, Miaoli-Toufen, Hsinchu-Hukou, National Freeway no.3 Guanxi-Daxi, Zhushan-Wufeng are jammed massively.

The number of vehicles on National Freeway no.5 has been increasing since noon, and the traveling speed from Yilan to Toucheng has been reduced to no more than 40 kph. It has been forecast that there will be another crowd increase from 9 p.m. Friday evening.

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