Giving Taiwan the Digital Face It Deserves

Taiwan lets itself down when it comes to broadcasting its merits and opportunities online.

The Nwews Lens
Date: 2018/04/16
By: David Green

Credit: Reuters/TPG

Can you remember the first time you thought about coming to Taiwan?

Which websites did you use to research the idea? What language were you reading? Are you one of the handful of people who successfully applied for Taiwan’s Entrepreneur Visa individually, and if so, how did you manage it?

The fact is that information about how to come to Taiwan and the resources that might be available to you when you do is fragmented and confusing.

Contact Taiwan, the official portal that is meant to handle outreach to foreigners is executed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MoEA), and is squarely aimed at attracting investment. The web design is busy and, in short, undeserving of being the official face Taiwan shows to the world. For example, the site is currently running a barrier proclaiming: “Taiwan has passed a NEW STATUTE that offers many BENEFITS to foreign talent…Making their life and work in Taiwan more convenient.”

It’s a message that captures both the gulf between the government and Taiwan’s foreign community and a slapdash approach that undermines Taiwan’s best efforts to better appeal to people overseas.    [FULL  STORY]

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