Focus Taiwan
Date: 2018/03/29
By: Phoenix Hsu and Evelyn Kao
Taipei, March 29 (CNA) The 2018 Gro Brundtland Week of Women in Sustainable Development opened Thursday with a ceremony at National Taiwan University and will run until April 3.
During the event, five female researchers from South Africa, Kenya, India, the Philippines and Malaysia will receive the 2018 Gro Brundtland Award at a ceremony on April 3 and give a series of talks around Taiwan, according to event organizer National Cheng Kung University (NCKU).
They are Natisha Dukhi of South Africa, Barbara Burmen of Kenya, Neha Nehiya of India, Weena Gera of the Philippines and Sarva Mangala of Malaysia. Their areas of research include AIDS, tuberculosis, vaccines, sustainable development of environmental and analysis of exposure and health risk assessment. [FULL STORY]
Former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, winner of the 2014 Tang Prize for sustainable development, established the Gro Brundtland Award and launched the one-week science activity to recognize distinguished researchers in her field.