Group urges independence referendum

CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE: The coalition called on the DPP to correct the ‘severest infringement’ on Taiwanese’s right to self-determination and allow the referendum

Taipei Times
Date: Mar 01, 2018
By: Chen Wei-han  /  Staff reporter

A major coalition to campaign for a Taiwanese independence referendum was formed

Former president Lee Teng-hui, center, former vice president Annette Lu, left, and guests yesterday attend a news conference held in Taipei by Formosa TV chairman Kuo Bei-hung, who announced he is to form an alliance to push for a referendum on Taiwanese independence.  Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

yesterday in what was the highest-level gathering of pro-independence advocates since the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration took office, with former president Lee Teng-hui (李登輝) calling for a new constitution and name for the nation.

The Island of Joy and Happiness Coalition (喜樂島聯盟), launched by Formosa TV chairman Kuo Bei-hung (郭倍宏), was joined by Lee, former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁), former vice president Annette Lu (呂秀蓮) and former presidential adviser Peng Ming-min (彭明敏), as well as the New Power Party, the Taiwan Solidarity Union, the Social Democratic Party and the Taiwan Radical Wings.

At a news conference in Taipei packed with hundreds of independence supporters, coalition representatives announced plans to formally launch on April 7, the anniversary of late democracy activist Deng Nan-jung’s (鄭南榕) self-immolation in 1989.

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