Heavy rains cause one death, wreak havoc around Taiwan

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2017/10/15
By: Wang Shu-fen, Tyson Lu and Evelyn Kao

Taipei, Oct. 15 (CNA) One person was killed and another injured Saturday as heavy

A hotel in Taitung hit by flash flooding.

rains continued throughout Taiwan, causing extensive flooding and landslides.

Northern and eastern Taiwan bore the brunt of the rainstorms, with 2,000 people in Yilan stranded after a road was blocked by landslides, while a hotel in Taitung County was hit by flash flooding.

The torrential rain, caused by the combined effects of northeasterly winds and Tropical Storm Khanun south of Taiwan, prompted the Taitung County government to close schools and offices on Sunday.

A landslide in the county’s Xiangyang National Forest Recreation Area has blocked a mountain road, stranding 93 hikers who most likely have supplies for only one meal, according to Taitung police.    [FULL  STORY]

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