Guangfu Township alone, which is located in the county’s central portion of East Rift Valley, has three tourist attractions that are worth recommendation.
Taiwan News
Date: 2017/12/06
By: George Liao, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
TAIPEI (Taiwan News)—Taiwan’s eastern county of Hualien has not only a long and
beautiful coastline but also many treasures in the landscape of the county’s mountains and valleys. Guangfu Township alone, which is located in the county’s central portion of East Rift Valley, has three tourist attractions that are worth recommendation.
1. Mataian Wetland (馬太鞍濕地)
The Mataian Wetland Ecological Park Area is the traditional homeland of the Mataian Ami people.
Located at the foot of Maxi Mountain, the wetland covers a surface area of 12 hectares. The springs of this natural wetland flow unceasingly. The clear, shallow Fudeng River originates from Maxi Mountain, where the spring waters converge from under the ground. This river zigzags from south to north through the Mataian Wetland, creating a greatly varied natural environment. [FULL STORY]