Southbound traffic has already started on Friday morning, with an average speed of just 10 to 20 km/h.
Taiwan News
Date: 2017/01/27
By: Wendy Lee, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Holiday traffic is expected to peak from Jan 29 to 30 and will
be heavier than the previous year due to the shorter holiday period of only six days, the government officials said.
Southbound traffic has already started on Friday morning, as sections of National Highway No.1 from Taichung to Nantun District, as well as Hsinchu’s Hukou to Hukou Service Area have remained congested, with an average speed of just 10 to 20 km/h.
The southbound section of National Highway No.3 from Taoyuan’s Daxi to Longtan District also reported an average speed of just 20 km/h, according to the traffic department. [FULL STORY]