‘Hollywood enables CCP’s repression of Taiwan’ says Ted Cruz on Top Gun flag controversy

Texas Senator says Paramount kowtowing to Chinese censors 'disappointing' sign of China's influence in Hollywood

Taiwan News
Date: 2019/07/28
By: Duncan DeAeth, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Following the release of a trailer on July 19 for the new Top Gun film

File photo: U.S. Senator Ted Cruz
File photo: U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (By Associated Press)

starring Tom Cruise, it was discovered that the film’s producers altered Tom Cruise’s flight jacket to remove the flags of Taiwan and Japan from the film. This was done at the behest of China’s Tencent Pictures, one of the film’s production partners.

On July 26, U.S. Senator, Ted Cruz, discussed the new Top Gun, and China’s influence in Hollywood with the Washington Free Beacon, calling the situation disappointing and declaring that “Hollywood is afraid to stand up for free speech.” Using the example of Top Gun producers kowtowing to the demands of Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and recognizing Taiwan as an “American ally” Cruz warned against the malign influence of the CCP in Hollywood.

"Top Gun is an American classic, and it's incredibly disappointing to see Hollywood elites appease the Chinese Communist Party. The Party uses China's economy to silence dissent against its brutal repression and to erode the sovereignty of American allies like Taiwan. Hollywood is afraid to stand up for free speech and is enabling the Party's campaign against Taiwan."

The Chinese government consistently complains about any representation of Taiwan in their campaign to marginalize and repress the country’s international standing. The Free Beaconalso quotes an anonymous “senior congressional official” that is looking into the matter of Chinese influence in the entertainment media of the U.S.    [FULL  STORY]

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