How Taiwan Is Becoming A Top Destination For Artificial Intelligence In Asia

Date: Sep 29, 2018 
Ralph Jennings, Contributor

Attendees head in and out of Microsoft’s annual Build conference for software developers on May 7, 2018, in Seattle. Microsoft expects to do more artificial intelligence research in Taiwan. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)

Artificial brains threaten to outnumber real ones in Taiwan, as the island’s prowess in artificial intelligence (AI) continues to grow. Global players such as Google, IBM and Microsoft have all expressed their intentions of developing either AI R&D centers or similar initiatives in Taiwan. These companies could have selected other tech-savvy locations in Asia like South Korea and Shenzhen, China, but they chose Taiwan. Why?

“Taiwan has a lot going for it with AI research,” says William Foreman, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei. “Companies can hire top-quality engineering talent that has earned a reputation for being more loyal and stable, less likely to be poached, compared to others in places like China, where the competition for talent is absolutely fierce.” He also points out the island’s other key advantage is its tech ecosystem that was built up over the decades with support from universities, a tech-centered culture and Internet infrastructure.    [FULL  STORY]

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